Montreal (105.64), 1972 |
Eija Nieminen ja Esa Tamminen |
Eija and Esa bought the car in summer 2014. The car was on sale in an internet site. This car is the only one imported by the Finnish Alfa Romeo agent Suomen Koneliike. The car was in satisfactory and almost original condition when Eija and Esa bought it. The tacho had 77.000 kms. Esa has spent tens of hours of work to get it into current condition. At the technical side the renovation of thermostatic actuator in the mechanical Spica fuel injection and adjustments in fuel intake linkage have taken most of the hours. At coachwork he has done some paint correction and cleaning work. He has also removed the extra mirrors on the fenders.
About Montreal:
Alfa Romeo introduced Montreal in Geneva Motor Show March 1970. The production started in 1971 and last Montreals were finished in 1977. The production number is 3917. It has 2.6 litre V8 engine with 2000 hp and a Spica mechanical fuel injection. The weight of the car is 1270 kg. The origin of the name comes from World Exhibition 1967 in Montreal, where Alfa had new sports car concepts on display.
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