Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Alfa Cup is been held at each cirquit meeting. One lap with flying start, one car on the track with normal street tyres, only driver in the car.
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2024 Alfacup
2023 Alfacup
2022 Alfacup
2021 Alfacup
2020 Alfacup
2019 Alfacup
2018 Alfacup
2017 Alfacup
2016 Alfacup
2015 Alfacup
2014 Alfacup
2013 Alfacup
2012 Alfacup
2011 Alfacup
2010 Alfacup
2009 Alfacup
2008 Alfacup
2007 Alfacup
2006 Alfacup
2005 Alfacup
2004 Alfacup
2003 Alfacup