Annual membership 30,- EUR
Family member's annual fee 10,- EUR
New joining member's fee 10,- EUR
After your payment has been received and your information has been registered into club's registry, we'll send the new member's material to you. The packet contains: club sticker (2-sided), one il Biscione back issue + other information. Club member card will be in the first issue of running year's Biscione.
. The club magazine il Biscione is included in the annual membership fee. The membership fee payed by a member who has joined the club within January 1st and August 30th covers that year. The membership fee payed by a member who has joined the club within September 1st and December 31st covers the following year also.
All fees are confirmed at the annual club meeting in spring.
Membership fee inlcudes: club member card, club sticker, club magazine il Biscione (3 to 4 issues) and right to participate club meetings, username with password to club's web site.
Racing track fees
Club organizes meetings in racing tracks, track driving is charged separately before entering the track. Being at the depot area is not charged.
Other meeting costs
Member is responsible of her/his accommondation and refreshment costs whenever needed in a meeting.
Club's registry contact (rekisteri[a]carf.fi) |  |  |