Alfetta GT 1.8 (116.54), 1975 |
Ilkka Hellsten |
Ilkka bought this GT from an Alfa collector, in 2008, near Frankfurt Germany. Its previous owner was an old lady in Berlin. The cas has been registered first time on April 3rd, 1975. The overall condition of the car was adequate when Ilkka bought the car, it needed just some minor overhaul. Its paintwork was somewhat faded, so Ilkka re-painted the car in Hyvinkää at Viherauto in 2009. In autumn, September 18th 2009, the car was accepted into the Finnish Historical Car Registry (Museoautorekisteri). Then on the same weekend he was driving the car with his daughter near Inkoo and he collided GT with a deer. The front of the car got damaged, but Ilkka decided to repair damages. This took more than one year and repair was finished in Spring 2011. |

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