Cuore Sportivo I Ahvenisto + 105 Series show |
15.05.2011, Sunday, starting at 09:00, duration 9 h |
Place: Ahvenisto Circuit, Hämeenlinna |
Contact: Mikko Koskinen 0500 484262 |
Ahvenisto track day, circuit reserved 9.00-18.00
Note: You can come for you suitable time. It is though expected that the exhaust noise level of your car is measured before your first track visit (it can be done at anytime) and you have payed track fee to one of the club masters or club committee members.
9:00 drivers meeting
9:15 noise measurement and payment collection (10eur)
9:15 track opens, free driving
10:45 slow driving, 15min
12:00 Alfa 105-serier show
app.12:30 free driving
13:15 slow driving, 15min
13:30 Free driving
14:00 Alfa and Romeo cup
app.16:00 free driving
17:00 slow driving, 15min
18:00 track close
105 Series Show Drive
Alfa's 105 series cars are still popular in the club and the model series will soon have its 50th anniversary. We like to celebrate this and are organisating a classic show drive. Note it is not a race!
CARF track day rules apply with the cars.
Depending on the number of participants, we'll have 2 drives. Each will take appr. 10 -15 minutes.
Gruppo 1 for slower speed
Gruppo 2 for faster speed
Please enroll in before hand. Enroll here
Enrollment is not any mandatory, but helps us to organise the event. You can enroll also at the event.
p.s. 105 sarja = Giulia ja Giulia GT (1300/1600/1750/2000), Spider 1300 junior, 1600 Duetto, 1750 ja 2000 Veloce, Berlina 1750 ja 2000, Montreal, Junior Zagato 1300. Years 1963-1974
Circuit's web site: http://www.ahvenistonmoottorirata.fi/ |
How to get there:
Näytä suurempi kartta |