Annual Autumn Meeting 2016 + Dinner at Ristorante Bucatino |
11.11.2017, Saturday, starting at 16:00, duration 1-3h |
Place: Ristorante il Bucatino, Tehtaankatu 38, 00260 Helsinki |
Contact: Denis Romi +358 400 579300 |
Agenda for Club Alfa-Romeo Finland ry. autumn meeting 2017
1. Selection of meeting chairman, secretary and checkers of meeting minutes.
2. Meetings legality issues.
3. Approval of meetings agenda
4. Issues according § 11 :
- next years budget and agenda
- annual membership fee amount and new member fee
- selection of club committee chairman and replacement for resigning committee member
- selection of chartered accountant and backup accountant
5. Other issues listed in the meeting invitation
- award presentation of Alfa & Romeo Cup
6. Closing the meeting.
Note: In case you want present an issue at the meeting. inform club committee until 5.10.2017. Committee's email is hallitus[AT]carf.fi
ENROLL FOR MEETING and/or DINNER 5.11.2017 latest, thanks!
Menu Meat
First: Provolone Dolce (Provolone juustoa, pekoni, rucola, hunajaa)
Main: Il Manzo (Naudan marmori ulkofilepihvi ja herkkutattikastike päivän vihanneksilla
Dessert: Gelato Italiano and Espresso
Menu Fish
First: Capesante con Vellutata di Topinambur (Kampasimpukat samettinen maa-artisokkakastike)
Main: Branzino con Patate e Spinaci (Meribassifileet, tuore pinaatti ja paistettu peruna)
Dessert: Sorbetto al limone (Sitruunasorbetti ja espresso)
Price 56,-/person
Tehtaankatu 38, p. 046 600 1000
Restaurant is located in Eira, at the west side end of Tehtaankatu street. |
How to get there: