Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Season's Closing Dinner at Flamingo
14.11.2009, Saturday, starting at 19:00, duration 3-4

Place: La Famiglia Flamingo, Tasetie 8, Vantaa
Contact: Niko Rinne 040 5063093

Season's closing dinner with other culb members at restaurant La Famiglia Flamingo

Enrollment and menu selections until November 3rd, 2009.

After dinner possibility to goto night club Onnela Vantaa.

Note also the other possibilities Flamingo gives: Bowling, there is a spa and hotel, among others!

How to get there:
Flamingo is in Vantaa, alongside the Kehä III ring road, next to the Jumbo shopping centre.
Flamingo is easily accessible and well served throughout the day by both Vantaa and Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (YTV) buses. The bus stops are a short walk away, along the Tasetie, Lentoasemantie and Kehä III roads, depending on the route. Night buses (615T) to Helsinki run every night until about 2 a.m.
From Vantaa: 51, 51K, 52, 53, 54, 56, 56K, 60, 61, 61K, 67A, 68, 68A
From Helsinki and Espoo:
415, 451, 514, 514K, 519, 519A, 535, 613K/N, 615N/NK/T/TK, 632, 650, 650A, 651, 651A, 652, 652A, 841
Buses 400N and 600N run via Flamingo from 12 November onwards.
For timetables, visit
Information on other routes is also available at
There is a taxi rank outside Flamingo’s main entrance.