Annual Spring Meeting 2020 - RESCHEDULED to be at Autumn meeting! |
25.04.2020, Saturday, starting at 15:00, duration 1 h |
Place: |
Contact: Juhani Mäenpää, 040 5427472 |
The meeting starts at 3.00 PM. In case you want to eat, then come for ex. 1 hour earlier... Please note that the club sponsors 7,50 of your meal, but then you are not allowed to participate coffee/tea+Italian type sandwich servicing payed by the club.
Use this link to inform the number of persons participating to the meeting with coffee/tea+sandwich serving only and to inform persons participating sponsored meal only, you cannot have both.
ENROLL until 19.4.2020
Menu of the Pizzeria Bella Roma: https://www.ravintola.fi/ravintola/pizzeria-bella-roma/#menu
- Opening
- Selection of meeting's chairman, secretary and 2 meeting minutes controller and 2 tellers
- Meetings legality and quorum
- Acceptance of meeting's agenda
- Presentation of annual financial statement, annual report and auditor's report
- Decision of approval the financial statement and club committee's discharging from liability for the accounts
- Concorso d'Originalita 2018 prize-giving
- Other issues
-Changes in track day and Alfa & Romeo Cup rules
- Closing the meeting
How to get there: |