Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Italian car meeting in Kuortti
08.06.2016, Wednesday, starting at 16:00, duration ...

Place: Lapsikuja 1, 19410 Kuortti
Contact: Jari Tyyskä 040 716 4487

Getting together with good company among Italian cars. Grill and hotbath warmed up. Bring your own food and beverage. Room for more than 30 cars.

Kuortti is located near number 5 highway, 40 minutes drive from Lahti or Mikkeli.
Weather reservation, in case of rain meeting will be postponed to another day.

Invitation from Jari Tyyskä 040 716 4487

How to get there: