Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Track day with GFF at Ahvenisto
11.08.2018, lauantai, starting at 13:00, duration 5 tuntia

Place: Ahveniston moottorirata, Hämeenlinna
Contact: Mikko Koskinen 0500 484262

Track open 13.00-18.00

Track open for all italian cars.

More information: 040-777 9575 (ilt./vkl) tai gff(ät)


Gruppo Fiat Finlandia r.y. - The Original Fiat-club from 1980

Ahvenisto in web:

How to get there:

Ahvenisto track is located in Hämeenlinna, 100 km north from Helsinki.

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