2018 Driving meeting & PISTA 58 Italian car event |
16.06.2018, Saturday, starting at 09:30, duration 1-2 days |
Place: Start from Lehtipuuntie 1, Kangasala |
Contact: Jussi Keltaniemi +358 40 5458327 |
Drive starts at 10.00 Osoite: Lehtipuuntie 1, Kangasala and continues on road 58 towards MÄNTTÄ for 1 hour, to PISTA 58-event Särkikankaantie 70, Jämsä (race track))
- Used parts sale (no entrance fee)
- There are toilet facilities and coffee + sausage on sale
- at 12 a show drive on trach
- at 14 starts drive towards Haapamäki Steam Train Museum (100km)
- at 16 starts return towards Vilppula harbour
After Vilppula starts evening + overnight at Peltola luomutila (Poukantie 162, Vilppula; B&B 40€/person). Smoke sauna, normal sauna + Grill in use, have your on food with you!
B&B reserevations until 31.5.2018 from: Pertti Minetti puh. 0400-840720 tai Hannu Nieminen 0440-238731
How to get there: