Helsinki Hurinat |
15.05.2005, Sunnday, starting at 10:00, duration 4-5 h |
Place: Marketanpuisto,Pehtorinkuja Espoo |
Contact: Finnish Jaguar Drivers |
Please confirm your attendance in advance!
Navigational race around the Helsinki area with Rover, Mercedes, BMW and Jaguar clubs. The event starts at 10 o'clock in Marketta park (http://www.marketanpuisto.fi). The race routes around the lake Bodom and ends at Kaisankoti close to Espoo Automobile Museum.
Orgnanised by Finnish Jaguar Drivers
Welcome! |
How to get there:
Club Alfa-Romeo Finland ry. Ohjelma - Program
Tapahtuma - Event:
Helsinki Hurinat |
Päiväys, viikon päivä, alkamisaika ja kesto:
Date, day of week, start time and duration:
15.05.2005,Sunnuntai, 10:00, 4-5 h |
Paikka - Place:
Marketanpuisto,Pehtorinkuja Espoo |
Yhteyshenkilö - Contact:
Finnish Jaguar Drivers |
Ohjelma - Agenda:
Mukana ovat Rover-, Mersu-, BMW, molemmat Alfa- ja Jaguar klubi.
Navigational race around the Helsinki area with Rover, Mercedes, BMW and Jaguar clubs. The event starts at 10 o'clock in Marketta park (http://www.marketanpuisto.fi). The race routes around the lake Bodom and ends at Kaisankoti close to Espoo Automobile Museum.
Orgnanised by Finnish Jaguar Drivers
Ajo-ohje - How to get there:
