MotorCafe Suviranta + Sports Car Drivers at Vanajanlinna |
28.07.2013, Lauantai, starting at 10:00, duration 7h |
Place: Vanajanlinnantie 485, 13330 Harviala Hämeenlinna |
Contact: Jussi Keltaniemi 040 5458327 |
We'll participate sports and classic car happening at Vanajanlinna organised by Finnish Sports Car Drivers, more info www.sua.fi
CARF members gather together, starting 10.00 o'clock, at a cafe in the north end of Vanajanlinnantie. From there we start to drive, at ?? o'clock, in queue to Vanajanlinna.
Juhani Anttila gives Alfa Sprint 50th anniversary presentation
We'll acquainted with Finnish Sports Car Drivers exhibition. |
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