Annual Spring & Autumn Meeting 2020 + Dinner - Uiskola @ Hahkiala |
14.11.2020, Saturday, starting at 14:00, duration 1h + dinner |
Place: Hahkialan Uiskola, Viittakiventie 75, 14700 Hauho |
Contact: Juhani Mäenpää 040 5427472 |
Meetings include coffee/tee + bun for participants free of charge.
Agenda Spring Meeting 2020
- Opening
- Selection of meeting's chairman, secretary and 2 meeting minutes controller and 2 tellers
- Meetings legality and quorum
- Acceptance of meeting's agenda
- Presentation of annual financial statement, annual report and auditor's report
- Decision of approval the financial statement and club committee's discharging from liability for the accounts
- Concorso d'Originalita 2019 prize-giving
- Other issues
- Change proposal to club rules:
8.1 Participation to annual club meetings can be done virtually.
8.2 Invitation to annual club meetings can be done by email.
- Closing the meeting
Agenda for Club Alfa-Romeo Finland ry. Autumn meeting 2020
1. Opening the meeting
2. Selection of meeting chairman, secretary and checkers of meeting minutes.
3. Meetings legality issues.
4. Approval of meetings agenda
5. Issues according §11
- next years budget and agenda
- annual membership fee amount and new member fee
- selection of club committee chairman and replacement for resigning committee member
- selection of chartered accountant and backup accountant
6. Other issues listed in the meeting invitation
- award presentation of Alfa & Romeo Cup
7. Closing the meeting.
More info about meeting place: Tel:050 517 8194 www.uiskola.com
How to get there: