Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Cuore Sportivo I Ahvenisto
13.05.2012, Sunday, starting at 09:00, duration 9 h

Place: Ahveniston moottorirata, Hämeenlinna
Contact: Mikko Koskinen 0500 484262

Circuit reserved at 9-18.00
More detailed agenda later, Alfacup.

Note: You can come for you suitable time. It is though expected that you have payed track fee to one of the club masters or club committee members before entering the track.

How to get there:
Ahveniston moottorirata sijaitsee Hämeenlinnassa, 100 km pohjoiseen Helsingistä, Helsinki-Tampere moottoritietä.

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