Italian Weekend 27. - 28.8.201 |
27.08.2011, Saturday, starting at 12:00, duration 2 days |
Place: Kivitippu, Nykäläntie 137, Lappajärvi |
Contact: Johanna Liinamaa, Johanna.Liinamaa[at]kivitippu.fi |
Italian Weekend is held at Hotel & Spa Kivitippu in Lappajärvi. Kivitippu invites all Alfa Romeo -fans to present their Alfas and get together to enjoy good food and program.
Enroll your Alfa for Saturday afternoon show, you will be rewarded with free accommondation at the spa (value of 59,- to 75,-). Cars will be available for visitors from 1 pm to 6 pm. Visitors will vote their favorite. Inform model, year, colour and other interesting details of your Alfa when you make a room reservation. The car information will be printed out and shown in the car during the show.
A limited number of rooms is reserved for show cars with free accommondation. Enroll soon, untill August 12th latest!
Johanna Liinamaa
http://www.kivitippu.fi/ |
How to get there:
Näytä suurempi kartta |