Alfa 75 -meeting, Mobilia car and traffic museum |
15.08.2009, Saturday, starting at 11:00, duration 3-4 |
Place: Mobilia Auto- ja tiemuseo, Kangasala |
Contact: Yrjö Hakulinen 040 5026386 |
11.00-12.00 Getting together, parking cars. Café available. (On own expence)
12.00-13.00 Alfa 75 - presentation (Talonpojan sali), Vesa Nissi reveals 75's history and secrets.
13.00-14.00 Guided tour (CARF pays entrance fee)
Thera are traffic training centre fro children (until 15.00) and also a beach in the area (until 16.00).
Address: Kustaa Kolmannentie 75, 36270 KANGASALA
Telephone: 03 3140 4000
All Alfas welcome, especially 75s |
How to get there:
The automobile and road museum Mobilia is situated at a beautiful site in Kangasala, some 20 kilometres (13 miles) from Tampere city, close to highway number 12 towards Lahti.
