Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Driving meeting in Riihimäki > Renko > Hattula arean
12.06.2016, Sunday, starting at 10:30, duration 3-5 hours

Place: Start in Riihimäki region
Contact: Jussi Keltaniemi +358 40 5458327

More exact starting place will be informed later, but event starts at 10.30 in Riihimäki region. We'll drive using smaller roads towards Renko, where we have cofffee break, and continue from there to Petäys Resort in Hattula for lunch.

Lunch costs 26€ for adult, 13€ for children from 4 to 12 years.

PLEASE ENROLL UNTIL 30.5.2016!, so we can inform Petäys how many of us will have lunch.

How to get there: