Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Cuore Sportivo II Alastaro
14.07.2006, Friday, starting at 11:00, duration 4

Place: Alastaro, Virttaa
Contact: Niko Rinne 040 59 62 903

Circuit meeting in Alastaro, starting at 11 AM and ending 4 PM

How to get there:

Alastaron circuit is located in
Virttaa, in the crossing of road 41 (Tampere - Nokia - Aura - Turku) and 213 (Loimaa - Alastaro - Virttaa - Säkylä). Drive time from Turku 45 minutes, from Tampere 1 hour and from Helsinki 2h15 mi.

alastaro.gif (2816 bytes)Alastarokartta.gif (10215 bytes)