Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Alfa Theme Event - AR 33
07.08.2011, Sunday, starting at 12:00, duration 2-3 hours

Place: Aviation Museum, Tietotie 3, 01530 Vantaa
Contact: Tomi Kuusisto 0400 740134

The event is held at Finnish Aviation Museum (Suomen ilmailumuseo) in Vantaa, . The event starts at noon. Its room is Avia cabinet. First we'll have coffee and during it Juhani Anttila will make a presentation of Alfa Romeo 33. After the presentation we'll have a guided tour at the museum.

CARF offers coffee and the museum visit. The presentation will take about an hour and the museum tour another hour.

How to get there:

Näytä suurempi kartta