Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

LCF Lumipalloralli
05.02.2011, Saturday, starting at 12:00, duration 6 hours

Place: Koskenpään Rantapirtti
Contact: Ville Vieri 050 334 2150

Winter driving with Lancia Club of Finland

- Track reserved from 12.00 to 18.00 (no spides on dirt track, on ice track rallyspikes allowed), fee 10€/car.

- Lunch at Kota starts 14.00 (registration and payment at Ratapirtti)

- Smoke saun at 17.00 (women) and at 18.30 (men)

- Barbaque grill available after driving

- Dinner 20.00 - (registration in the afternoon at Ratapirtti)
Resereve dining and accomondation in advance, mention Lancia Club Finland at the reservation.

Resrevations through 014 767 115 tai 014 767 116.

More infor Ville Vieri, ville.vieri[AT]

Adress: Petäjävedentie 448, 42440 Koskenpää

How to get there:
Ajo-ohje: Jämsästä 30 km pohjoiseen tietä nro 604, Petäjävedeltä 16 km tietä nro 606

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