Annual Spring Meeting 2014 (Premier Park, Porvoo) |
05.04.2014, Saturday, starting at 12:00, duration 1-3h |
Place: Premier Park, Öljytie 1007, 06830 Kulloonkylä (Porvoo). Puh. +358 9 855 0876 |
Contact: Sami Halme +358 400 355400 |
Annual spring meeting
12.15 Agenda
- Opening
- Selection of meeting's chairman, secretary and 2 meeting minutes controller and 2 tellers
- Meetings legality and quorum
- Acceptance of meeting's agenda
- Presentation of annual financial statement, annual report and auditor's report
- Decision of approval the financial statement and club committee's discharging from liability for the accounts
- Concorso d'Originalita 2012 prize-giving
- Other issues
- Closing the meeting
How to get there:
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