Club Alfa Romeo Finland ry - Founded 1979 - Web pages 1998 - Site terms -- Login(lastname firstname or member code)

Annual Spring Meeting 2014 (Premier Park, Porvoo)
05.04.2014, Saturday, starting at 12:00, duration 1-3h

Place: Premier Park, Öljytie 1007, 06830 Kulloonkylä (Porvoo). Puh. +358 9 855 0876
Contact: Sami Halme +358 400 355400

Annual spring meeting

12.15 Agenda
    1. Opening
    2. Selection of meeting's chairman, secretary and 2 meeting minutes controller and 2 tellers
    3. Meetings legality and quorum
    4. Acceptance of meeting's agenda
    5. Presentation of annual financial statement, annual report and auditor's report
    6. Decision of approval the financial statement and club committee's discharging from liability for the accounts
    7. Concorso d'Originalita 2012 prize-giving
    8. Other issues
    9. Closing the meeting

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