Cuore Sportivo II - Alastaro at 14.00-20.00 |
18.06.2023, Sunday, starting at 14:00, duration 6 hours |
Place: Jarno Saarisentie, 32560 Virttaa |
Contact: Auli Paananen 040 573 0381 |
14:00 Track opens and driver's meeting, track fee collection (you can pay at any time during the day)
14:00 Slow drive 30 min
14:30 Free speed
15:30 Slow drive 15 min
15:45 Free speed
16:30 Alfa & Romeo Cup and results
18.30 Free speed
19.15 Slow drive 15min
19.30 Free drive
19:50 Track closes
Note: You can come for you suitable time. It is though expected that you have payed track fee to one of the club masters or club committee members before entering the track.
Track's pages. |
How to get there: