Annual Spring Meeting 2022 + Mobilia museum visit |
07.05.2022, Saturday, starting at 12:30, duration 3,5 hours |
Place: Auton ja tien museo Mobilia, Kustaa Kolmannen tie 75, 36270 |
Contact: Auli Paananen 040 573 0381 |
Selection of meeting's chairman, secretary and 2 meeting minutes controller and 2 tellers
Meetings legality and quorum
Acceptance of meeting's agenda
Presentation of annual financial statement, annual report and auditor's report
Decision of approval the financial statement and club committee's discharging from liability for the accounts
Concorso d'Originalita 2020 prize-giving
Other issues
- ??
Closing the meeting
After meeting guided visit at the Mobilia museum. |
How to get there: